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More Americans Looking Overseas For Jobs.

아진돌 2009. 11. 19. 01:09

More Americans Looking Overseas For Jobs.

USA Today (11/16, Davidson) reports, with the US unemployment numbers "at a 26-year-high of 10.2%, more Americans are hunting for, and landing, work overseas, according to staffing companies and executive search firms." According to "Jeff Joerres, CEO of Manpower, the No. 1 U.S. staffing company...about 500 clients are seeking jobs abroad, up from a few dozen six months ago." Joerres said, "It is a phenomenon we haven't had before," and said that, "while the number of globe-trotting job candidates is still relatively small, the trend reverses a longtime pattern of far more foreign workers seeking jobs in the U.S." A survey of 114 executives Friday by talent management company Korn/Ferry suggested that 54 % of executives would "be likely or highly likely to accept a foreign post." only "37% of those surveyed in 2005 said they'd go abroad." Recruiters say that "the hottest international job markets include India, China, Brazil, Dubai and Singapore. ... International companies