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Indonesian Test Rocket Crashes Into Prawn Farm.

아진돌 2010. 2. 2. 02:17

Indonesian Test Rocket Crashes Into Prawn Farm.

The Jakarta Globe (1/28) reports an Indonesian test rocket "took a rather less lofty trajectory," than was intended, "missing its target and plunging into a prawn farm." Officials blamed poor weather for the crash, with State Ministry of Research and Technology spokesman Wawan Bayu saying, "The weather was unfriendly. ... The wind was strong." He added that "nobody was hurt." The 122-millimeter RX 1210 rocket "was developed by state arms contractor PT Pindad," and "tested at the airforce facility in the Tempeh subdistrict of Lumajang." Wawan noted that the rocket has been under development for a year and Wednesday's accident was "meant to be the final day of trials."