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Scientists Warn Jordan River Could Dry Up By 2011.

아진돌 2010. 5. 7. 23:18

Scientists Warn Jordan River Could Dry Up By 2011.

The AP (5/4) reported a team of Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian environmental scientists released a report saying that "large stretches" of the Jordan River "could dry up by 2011. And much of what remains is nothing but a canal of sewage." According to the report, "sadly, it is one of the efforts to save the river that has helped doom it. ... Israel and Jordan have agreed to stop dumping waste into the river and instead treat it in plants." But, says the report, "if no wastewater enters the lower Jordan -- the river's largest section -- then no water will flow in it at all." The study "recommends that Israel and Jordan rehabilitate the river by filling it with freshwater pumped in from the Sea of Galilee and the Yarmouk river...in addition to highly treated wastewater."