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Project To Map Sunflower DNA.

아진돌 2010. 2. 4. 22:13

Project To Map Sunflower DNA.

The AP (1/22) reports on the Genomics of Sunflower project, under which "researchers envision crossbreeding a standard sunflower with the Silverleaf species out of Texas to produce a hybrid with bright yellow flowers bursting with tasty seeds and thick stalks filled with complex sugars that can be turned into ethanol." Researcher Loren Rieseberg of the University of British Columbia explained that since Silverleaf is "the closest relative of the cultivated sunflower, it should be perhaps reasonably straightforward to move some of the traits." In addition to improved biofuel usefulness, "researchers say mapping the family's entire sequence could lead to crop improvement, weed control and the development of wood-producing varieties that could be used for flooring and other products."