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Researchers Find Potential Hacker Weaknesses In Car Computer Systems.

아진돌 2010. 5. 22. 18:57

Researchers Find Potential Hacker Weaknesses In Car Computer Systems.

Technology Review (5/18) reports, "This week researchers will present a study showing what could happen if a determined hacker went after the computer systems embedded in cars. The researchers found that, among other things, an attacker could disable the vehicle's brakes, stop its engine, or take control of its door locks." Currently, the researchers say, there is little risk of such hacking, since "the exploits require access to the inside of a vehicle," but they add that remote access "such as satellite radios and remote-controlled door openers could also become entry points." Stefan Savage, an associate engineering professor at UC Davis and one of the lead investigators, noted the interconnectedness of car systems as a potential weakness. "Having taken over one component, there's a substantive risk that you could take over all the rest of them. once you're in, you're in," he said.