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Robot Fires Tiny Rockets To Neutralize Bombs.

아진돌 2010. 5. 22. 18:55

Robot Fires Tiny Rockets To Neutralize Bombs.

The Wired (5/17, Shachtman) "Danger Room" blog reported on a small, armed robot developed by Rafael that "might be allowed into warzones as a tool for neutralizing roadside bombs." The Pincher robot, which "is the size of a toy truck," carries "a self-contained micro rocket with safety ignition, motor, warhead and safety fuse," according to a Defense News report. It adds that "the 'pyrophoric warhead combusts once ignited to burn upon target penetration,' which supposedly 'eliminat[es] collateral damage often caused by traditional explosive systems.'" The blog notes that the robot "has a range of 100 feet, maybe."