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Navy's Laser Weapon System Shoots Down Drone Over Sea.

아진돌 2010. 6. 2. 02:17

Navy's Laser Weapon System Shoots Down Drone Over Sea.

The Wired (5/28, Hodge) "Danger Room" blog reported, "For years, the US Navy has been pursuing a workable ray gun that could provide a leap ahead in ship self-defenses. Now, with a series of tests of a system called the Laser Weapon System, or LaWS, it may be one step closer to that goal." Naval Sea Systems Command announced that the LaWS has "successfully tracked, engaged, and destroyed" a targeted drone in-flight, during an over-the-water test. While this is "certainly not the first time lasers have shot down an unmanned aerial vehicle," this test is different as it brings "an additional bit of realism – and an extra technical challenge."