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Chinese Engineers Considering "Super-Powerful New Engine" For Rockets.

아진돌 2010. 8. 2. 21:50

Chinese Engineers Considering "Super-Powerful New Engine" For Rockets.

BBC News (7/26, Zak) reported, "Chinese engineers are considering a new super-powerful engine for the next generation of space rockets, say officials." The engines of the proposed engine being studied by the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) would have five times the thrust of the engines for the Long March 5 rocket in development now. "Although the expected payload of the future heavy lifter had not been disclosed, available details allow placing it close to the same category with that of the Saturn-5 rocket, which carried US astronauts to the Moon." Li Tongyu of CALT, who discussed the proposal, also stated "the development of the Long March-5 rocket was proceeding well toward its first test launch, currently expected in 2014, Li Tongyu said."