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[스크랩] Virtualization, cloud computing pivotal for servers

아진돌 2013. 9. 29. 12:21

Virtualization, cloud computing seen as pivotal in server technology trends

In an article titled "Top 10 Server Technology Trends for the New Decade," Server Watch (1/21, Hess) reported, "Mobility and agility are the two key concepts for the new decade of computing innovation. At the epicenter of this new enabled computing trend is cloud computing," which, along with "virtualization...will change our technology-centered lives forever," allowing "us to do more" in terms of "communicating...learning," and "global business...with less - less money, less hardware, less data loss and less hassle." The article anticipates that, "by the end of this decade, virtualization technology will touch every data center in the world," as firms "will either convert their physical infrastructures to virtual hosts and guests or they'll move to an entirely hosted virtual infrastructure."

출처 : Ace`s Musings . . .
글쓴이 : 에이스 원글보기
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