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배움의 기쁨/신기술 동향 85

New Type Of Anode For Lithium-Ion Batteries/Clean Diesel Study.

Start-Up Plans New Type Of Anode For Lithium-Ion Batteries. Technology Review (11/6, Bourzac) reports that Amprius, "a start-up based in Menlo Park, CA, plans to sell a new type of anode for lithium-ion batteries that, the company says, will let electric vehicles travel farther and mobile devices last longer without a recharge." The company's "lithium-ion anodes are made of silicon nanowires, w..

Super Energy-Efficient Computers Through Brain-Like Chips

Scientist Sees Super Energy-Efficient Computers Through Brain-Like Chips. Discover (11/6, Fox) reported on its website that Ghana-born Kwabena Boahen, "a prominent scientist at Stanford University in California," is "working to create a computer...based not on the regimented order of traditional silicon chips but on the organized chaos of the human brain," and "designing this machine will mean ..

신기술소개 두가지 :: Silicon-Silk Electronics:: HEMI

Silicon-Silk Electronics Could Improve Neural Interfaces. Technology Review (11/3, Bourzac) reports, "By building thin, flexible silicon electronics on silk substrates, researchers have made electronics that almost completely dissolve inside the body." The researchers are "developing silk-silicon LEDs that might act as photonic tattoos that can show blood-sugar readings, as well as arrays of co..