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Nanoparticle Developed To Locate, Destroy Cancer Cells.

아진돌 2009. 12. 24. 22:27

Nanoparticle Developed To Locate, Destroy Cancer Cells.

Popular Science (12/15, Dillow) reports, "Researchers at Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine" have been developing "a single nanoparticle that can seek out cancer cells, tag them with fluorescent dye, and kill them, all while physicians look on via real-time MRI tracking." The treatment combines several factors, using nanoshells, which "can convert normally harmless laser light into tumor-slaying heat," supplemented with "a fluorescent dye that glows to near-infrared light." The researchers also "inserted an iron oxide layer that's visible to MRI between the dye molecules and the nanoshells," and attached antibodies "that allow them to bind to breast and ovarian cancer cells." According to the article, human trials are likely not far off, since "all aspects of the treatment are already individually moving through the FDA approval process."

        Nanowire Sensors Could Improve Cancer Detection. The DailyTech (12/14, McGlaun) "Science" blog reported, "Researchers at Yale University have developed a new method of detecting cancer biomarkers in whole blood for breast cancer and for prostate cancer. The team of researchers used nanowire sensors to measure the concentrations of two biomarkers for the cancers." The technology allowed the researchers "to detect the cancer specific antigens with 10 percent accuracy in concentrations as low as picograms per milliliter." Further, "the nanowire sensors can also be used to detect other biomarkers for conditions like cardiovascular disease all at once."