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전체 글 3244

Nanoparticle Developed To Locate, Destroy Cancer Cells.

Nanoparticle Developed To Locate, Destroy Cancer Cells. Popular Science (12/15, Dillow) reports, "Researchers at Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine" have been developing "a single nanoparticle that can seek out cancer cells, tag them with fluorescent dye, and kill them, all while physicians look on via real-time MRI tracking." The treatment combines several factors, using nanoshells..

Naval Research Lab Says Hydrogen-Powered UAV Flew For Over 26 Hours.

Naval Research Lab Says Hydrogen-Powered UAV Flew For Over 26 Hours. Cleantech (12/1, Sibley) reports that, according to the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, "an unmanned air vehicle (UAV)" named Ion Tiger, "which runs on hydrogen-powered fuel cells, recently set an unofficial flight endurance record-taking to the sky for 26 hours and one minute." The vehicle has "the ability to carry a four- to..

Los Alamos National Laboratory Fined Nearly $1 Million By New Mexic

Los Alamos National Laboratory Fined Nearly $1 Million By New Mexico. The AP (11/24) reports that the New Mexico Environment Department announced Monday it "has fined Los Alamos National Laboratory nearly $1 million for failing to monitor nearby groundwater and surface water for pollution." The state's Environment Secretary Ron Curry says that "reliable monitoring is needed to determine whether..

먼저 손드는 사람[공병호 박사의 인생의 기술에서]

회사에 몸담고 있는 젊은 분들과 인터뷰할 기회가 있었습니다. 이런저런 질문과 답이 오고 가던 중 한 분이 이런 말씀을 하더군요. "입사하고 처음에는 그렇지 않았습니다만, 점점 내가 조직의 부속품이 되어간다는 생각이 들 때가 많습니다. 아마도 많은 직장인들이 그럴 거라고 생각해요. 공 박사님..

New Method Developed For Making Nanotube Transistor Arrays

New Method Developed For Making Nanotube Transistor Arrays. Technology Review (11/23) reports that "researchers at the University of Southern California have demonstrated large, functional arrays of transistors made using simple methods from batches of carbon nanotubes that are relatively impure." The USC engineers have developed a method for creating "large arrays of carbon nanotube transistor..

Wright State, Wright-Patterson AFB Partner For New Innovation Center

Wright State, Wright-Patterson AFB Partner For New Innovation Center. The Dayton Daily News (11/17), Larsen reports, "Wright State University will partner with Wright-Patterson Air Force Base to help to make Dayton the world's center for human-centered innovation and research." The partnership yesterday "announced the university's designation as an Ohio Center of Excellence in Human-Centered In..

New Type Of Anode For Lithium-Ion Batteries/Clean Diesel Study.

Start-Up Plans New Type Of Anode For Lithium-Ion Batteries. Technology Review (11/6, Bourzac) reports that Amprius, "a start-up based in Menlo Park, CA, plans to sell a new type of anode for lithium-ion batteries that, the company says, will let electric vehicles travel farther and mobile devices last longer without a recharge." The company's "lithium-ion anodes are made of silicon nanowires, w..

Super Energy-Efficient Computers Through Brain-Like Chips

Scientist Sees Super Energy-Efficient Computers Through Brain-Like Chips. Discover (11/6, Fox) reported on its website that Ghana-born Kwabena Boahen, "a prominent scientist at Stanford University in California," is "working to create a computer...based not on the regimented order of traditional silicon chips but on the organized chaos of the human brain," and "designing this machine will mean ..

신기술소개 두가지 :: Silicon-Silk Electronics:: HEMI

Silicon-Silk Electronics Could Improve Neural Interfaces. Technology Review (11/3, Bourzac) reports, "By building thin, flexible silicon electronics on silk substrates, researchers have made electronics that almost completely dissolve inside the body." The researchers are "developing silk-silicon LEDs that might act as photonic tattoos that can show blood-sugar readings, as well as arrays of co..