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전체 글 3389

Google's Collection Of Private Data Causes Anger In Europe.

Google's Collection Of Private Data Causes Anger In Europe. The New York Times (5/15, O'Brien) reported on its webpage, "European privacy regulators and advocates reacted angrily Saturday to the disclosure by Google...that it had systematically collected private data since 2006 while compiling its Street View photo archive." Google was "being pressed by European officials about the kind of data..

GRE 시험정보(GRE Getting An Overhaul.)

GRE Getting An Overhaul. The Santa Cruz Sentinel (5/17, Satyanarayana) reports, "As part of the Education Writers Association conference in San Francisco on Friday, creators of the Graduate Record Examination outlined the new test, which will be longer, graded on a different scale and designed to explore reading comprehension versus rote memorization." Under the changes, which will go into effe..

Air Force Looks To Establish Cloud Computing Research Center.

Air Force Looks To Establish Cloud Computing Research Center. Military & Aerospace Electronics (5/16, Keller) reported that the Air Force is looking "to establish a research center of excellence in assured cloud computing," and as part of that effort is "looking to partner with a college or university to host and collaborate in assured cloud computing research." A recent broad agency announceme..

By 2050, One Quarter Of Global Electricity Could Come From Solar

By 2050, One Quarter Of Global Electricity Could Come From Solar, IEA Reports. The Los Angeles Times (5/13, Hsu) reports, "By 2050, the world could be getting a quarter of its electricity from solar power," according to the International Energy Agency, which yesterday released "two 'roadmaps' for photovoltaics technology and concentrating solar power." The IEA also "recommends that governments ..

Nanotube Transistor Converts Biological Chemical Energy Into Electrici

Nanotube Transistor Converts Biological Chemical Energy Into Electricity. New Scientist (5/12, Barras) reported, "A novel transistor controlled by the chemical that provides the energy for our cells' metabolism could be a big step towards making prosthetic devices that can be wired directly into the nervous system." The transistor, developed by researchers at the Lawrence Livermore National Lab..

당신이 걱정하는 일은 일어나지 않습니다.

인간 경영분야에서 기념비적인 업적을 세운 데일 카네기(Dale Carnegie, 1888-1955)는 어릴적 세상의 모든 것이 걱정스러웠다고 합니다. 소나기가 내리면 갑자기 떨어지는 벼락에 맞아죽지나 않을까 걱정했고, 집안 형편이 어려워지면 굶지는 않을까 두려워했습니다. 또 죽으면 지옥에 가게 되지는 않을까 ..

"Nanodot" Memory Could Store 50 Times More Than Flash.

"Nanodot" Memory Could Store 50 Times More Than Flash. Technology Review (5/11, Graham-Rowe) reports on a "new technique, developed by researchers at North Carolina State University, [that] makes it possible to arrange magnetic 'nanodots' -- particles around six nanometers wide -- in orderly arrays, making it easier to use them to store bits of information magnetically. Jay Narayan, a professor..