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[2차 둘레산 잇기] 3-4구간(만인산-식장산) 산행

ㅁ 산행 요약 o 산행일자 : 2010년 5월 16일(일)(맑음) o 교통편 : - 만인산 휴양림행 : 대전역 건너편 정류장에서 501번 시내버스 환송 -> 만인산 휴양림 하차 - 식장산 하산후 동신고교앞 출발 : 611번 버스 -> 탄방역 하차 -> 지하철 환승 o 산행시간 - 만인산 휴양림(09:00) -> 태조 이성계 태실(09:21) ->..

Nanotechnology Researchers Develop Anti-Icing Surface Coating.

Nanotechnology Researchers Develop Anti-Icing Surface Coating. Flight International (5/18, Egozi) reported Professor Hana Dodiuk of Shenkar College of Engineering claims "to have developed a surface coating capable of preventing ice accumulation on plastic aircraft surfaces." Professor Dodiuk said "that tests on clear plastic show the self-cleaning, ultra-hydrophobic coating has a very low surf..

"Microlens" System Could Significantly Boost Imaging Power.

"Microlens" System Could Significantly Boost Imaging Power. Popular Science (5/18, Dillow) reports that, by "taking advantage of the unique properties of gold at the nanoscale, scientists [at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute] have created a 'microlens' system that could boost detectivity in quantum-dot-based IR detectors by 20 times." The "quantum dot infrared photodetectors (QDIPs)" that the r..

Researchers Find Potential Hacker Weaknesses In Car Computer Systems.

Researchers Find Potential Hacker Weaknesses In Car Computer Systems. Technology Review (5/18) reports, "This week researchers will present a study showing what could happen if a determined hacker went after the computer systems embedded in cars. The researchers found that, among other things, an attacker could disable the vehicle's brakes, stop its engine, or take control of its door locks." C..