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전체 글 3388

Researchers To Test Method For Vaccine Production Using Tobacco Plants

Researchers To Test Method For Vaccine Production Using Tobacco Plants. The Wired (2/24, Drummond) "Danger Room" blog reports that "a team at Texas A&M may have come up with a way to turn tobacco plants into vaccine-making machines." The Texas Plant-Expressed Vaccine Consortium is receiving $40 million from DARPA to "test the tobacco-based method and then offer up 10 million doses of H1N1 vacci..

DARPA Plans Test Flight For Prototype Hypersonic Weapon

DARPA Plans Test Flight For Prototype Hypersonic Weapon. The Wired (2/22, Hodge) "Danger Room" blog reports that DARPA "is planning an April test flight for a prototype of a hypersonic weapon that - in theory - could cross the Pacific Ocean in under two hours." An unpowered version of the Hypersonic Technology Vehicle-2 (HTV-2) "will be launched on a booster rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Bas..

관악은 내려와 글터를 열고 . . .관악산을 다녀와서

ㅁ 산행 요약 o 산행지 : 서울특별시 관악산(629m) o 산행일자 : 2010년 2월 21일(일) 맑은후 흐림 o 산행 참석자 : 대전 한겨레산악회 o 산행 사당역 4번 출구(09:15) -> 관음사 입구(09:31) -> 국기봉 삼거리 공터(10:30) -> 마당바위(10:48) -> 관악문(11:32) -> 연주대(11:50) ->(구경하고) -> 연주대 전망대(12:..

Remote-Controlled Roaches Could Be Used To Detect Radiation

Remote-Controlled Roaches Could Be Used To Detect Radiation. The Wired (2/17, Drummond) "Danger Room" blog reports, "A team of nuclear engineers at Texas A&M's Nuclear Science and Policy Institute attached radioactivity sensors to the backs of cockroaches, meant to scope out different kinds of nuclear material. The cockroaches are remote-controlled, so officials could unleash them into potentia..

Michigan State University To Establish Bio-Digital Evolution Center

Michigan State University To Establish Bio-Digital Evolution Center. The AP (2/18, Goodman) reports, "The National Science Foundation has awarded $25 million to Michigan State University to create a center for the joint study of natural and digital evolution." According to Erik Goodman, the director of Bio/computational Evolution in Action Consortium, or BEACON, "the center will conduct basic a..

"이것쯤이야!"라고 하는 자신감의 비료

어떤 농부가 황무지를 개간하겠다고 나섰다. 그 땅은 돌멩이가 많은 매우 척박한 땅이었다. 사람들은 그에게 포기하라고 말했지만 농부는 기어이 그 땅을 일궈냈고, 몇 년 후에는 큰 수확을 거둘 수 있었다. 그러자 사람들이 농부를 찾아와서 물었다. "어떤 비료를 사용했나요?" 그러자 농부는 웃으면..

남들로부터 소외당하기 쉬운 10가지

친구네 카페 <http://cafe.daum.net/sdkim314> 에서 퍼온 글입니다. 알면서도 실천하기 어려운 10가지이기도 합니다. . 소외당하기 쉬운 10가지 - 모든 대화에서 당신만 계속 말한다면 - 그가 말하고 있을 때 끼어들어 당신의 자랑을 시작한다면 - 당신의 생각과 다른 말을 할 때 그 사람의 말을 무시한다면 - ..

More Wind Tunnel Tests Planned For Ducted-Fan Propulsion System.

More Wind Tunnel Tests Planned For Ducted-Fan Propulsion System. Aviation Week (2/11, Warwick) reported, "American Dynamics Flight Systems will wind tunnel test the ducted-fan propulsion system for its proposed AD-150 vertical-takeoff-and-landing unmanned aircraft with support from the University of Maryland (UMD)." A scale version of the High Torque Aerial Lift (HTAL) was wind tunnel tested at ..

NASA, GM's Robonaut2 To Mimic Human Movement, Behavior.

NASA, GM's Robonaut2 To Mimic Human Movement, Behavior. Technology Review (2/12) reports on the Robonaut2, a humanoid robot being developed by NASA and General Motors that "is designed to closely mimic the shape, movement, and behavior of a human." These traits "could make it ideally suited to working alongside humans, or for testing human spacecraft and living quarters, but it also presents so..

Gigabit-Per-Second Wireless Network Uses Infrared Light.

Gigabit-Per-Second Wireless Network Uses Infrared Light. Technology Review (2/11, Jonietz) reports that researchers at Penn State have developed "a wireless network that uses reflected infrared light instead of radio waves." The system "has transmitted data through the air at a speed of one gigabit per second--six to 14 times faster than the fastest Wi-Fi network." Valencia M. Joyner, an assist..

Increasing Demand Seen For New Agricultural Technology.

Increasing Demand Seen For New Agricultural Technology. The Yuma (AZ) Sun (2/8, Lobeck) reported, "The search is on for new agricultural technology, with the University of Arizona's help." Experts say the movement towards increased mechanization is driven, in part, by declining interest in farm work among young people. Similarly, Mark Siemens of the University of Arizona's Yuma Agricultural Cen..