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부산 영도의 해변 산책길 - 절영로 (백련사 중리해변 구간)

ㅁ 산행 요약 o 산행지 : 부산광역시 영도구 해변 산책로 o 답사일자 : 2010년 2월 7일(일) 맑은후 흐림 o 산행 참석자 : 대전 한겨레산악회 o 산책길 - 봉래산 산행을 마치고 백련사 입구에서 절영도 입구로 진입(14:19) -> 출렁다리(14:42) -> 태평약 전망대(14:59) -> 중리해변(15:00) (백련사에..

Liquid Glass Spray Could Lessen Need For Cleaning Products.

Liquid Glass Spray Could Lessen Need For Cleaning Products. The UK's Telegraph (2/1, Collins) reported on a "liquid glass" spray, developed by German company Nanopool, "which forms an easy-clean coating one millionth of a millimetre thick" that "can be applied to virtually any surface to protect it against water, dirt, bacteria, heat and UV radiation." The product is primarily silicon dioxide, ..

밤고구마 vs. 호박고구마

밤고구마는 서럽다. 밤고구마는 언젠가부터 주황색 속살을 가진 호박고구마에게 왕좌 자리를 내줬다. 사람들은 “밤고구마는 푸석푸석하고 단맛이 적다”고 말한다. 하지만 밤고구마는 “우리가 맛없다는 사람은 밤고구마를 먹는 법을 모르기 때문”이라고 항변한다. 그들의 얘기를 들어봤다. “단순히 단맛으로만 비교하면 밤고구마는 분명 호박고구마보다 식감이 떨어집니다. 하지만 그렇다고 차별하면 안 됩니다. 밤고구마도 어떻게 먹느냐에 따라 호박고구마보다 맛있을 수 있어요. 밤고구마와 호박고구마의 차이를 인정해야 합니다.” 호박고구마가 밤고구마보다 맛있게 느껴지는 이유는 당분 때문이다. 호박고구마는 밤고구마에 비해 당분 함량이 높다. 밤고구마는 당분의 빈자리를 전분으로 채우고 있다. 밤고구마의 전분 비율은 18~20%지만 호..

Tobacco Plants Engineered To Grow Synthetic Solar Cells.

Tobacco Plants Engineered To Grow Synthetic Solar Cells. Popular Science (1/25, Dillow) reports that researchers at UC Berkeley have "genetically programmed a virus that can infect a tobacco crop," and "causes the plant to manufacture artificial chromosphores, tiny structures that turn sunlight into high-powered electrons." This development could eventually mean "an environmentally safe manufac..

Virtualization, Cloud Computing Seen As Pivotal In Server Technology

Virtualization, Cloud Computing Seen As Pivotal In Server Technology Trends. In an article titled "Top 10 Server Technology Trends for the New Decade," Server Watch (1/21, Hess) reported, "Mobility and agility are the two key concepts for the new decade of computing innovation. At the epicenter of this new enabled computing trend is cloud computing," which, along with "virtualization...will cha..

Tobacco Plants Engineered To Grow Synthetic Solar Cells.

Tobacco Plants Engineered To Grow Synthetic Solar Cells. Popular Science (1/25, Dillow) reports that researchers at UC Berkeley have "genetically programmed a virus that can infect a tobacco crop," and "causes the plant to manufacture artificial chromosphores, tiny structures that turn sunlight into high-powered electrons." This development could eventually mean "an environmentally safe manufact..

Report On Haiti Devastation Cites Poor Building Practices.

Report on Haiti Devastation Cites Poor Building Practices. The San Jose Mercury News (1/27, Tribune) reports, "Haiti's construction industry is to blame for hundreds of thousands of deaths in a tragedy that will repeat itself unless there are changes to building practices there," according to Eduardo Fierro, president of BFP Engineers. "In one of the first technical reports on this month's earth..