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배움의 기쁨 622

Google's Collection Of Private Data Causes Anger In Europe.

Google's Collection Of Private Data Causes Anger In Europe. The New York Times (5/15, O'Brien) reported on its webpage, "European privacy regulators and advocates reacted angrily Saturday to the disclosure by Google...that it had systematically collected private data since 2006 while compiling its Street View photo archive." Google was "being pressed by European officials about the kind of data..

Air Force Looks To Establish Cloud Computing Research Center.

Air Force Looks To Establish Cloud Computing Research Center. Military & Aerospace Electronics (5/16, Keller) reported that the Air Force is looking "to establish a research center of excellence in assured cloud computing," and as part of that effort is "looking to partner with a college or university to host and collaborate in assured cloud computing research." A recent broad agency announceme..

By 2050, One Quarter Of Global Electricity Could Come From Solar

By 2050, One Quarter Of Global Electricity Could Come From Solar, IEA Reports. The Los Angeles Times (5/13, Hsu) reports, "By 2050, the world could be getting a quarter of its electricity from solar power," according to the International Energy Agency, which yesterday released "two 'roadmaps' for photovoltaics technology and concentrating solar power." The IEA also "recommends that governments ..

Nanotube Transistor Converts Biological Chemical Energy Into Electrici

Nanotube Transistor Converts Biological Chemical Energy Into Electricity. New Scientist (5/12, Barras) reported, "A novel transistor controlled by the chemical that provides the energy for our cells' metabolism could be a big step towards making prosthetic devices that can be wired directly into the nervous system." The transistor, developed by researchers at the Lawrence Livermore National Lab..

"Nanodot" Memory Could Store 50 Times More Than Flash.

"Nanodot" Memory Could Store 50 Times More Than Flash. Technology Review (5/11, Graham-Rowe) reports on a "new technique, developed by researchers at North Carolina State University, [that] makes it possible to arrange magnetic 'nanodots' -- particles around six nanometers wide -- in orderly arrays, making it easier to use them to store bits of information magnetically. Jay Narayan, a professor..

Cluster Of Smartphone Chips To Emulate 1 Billion Neuron Brain.

Cluster Of Smartphone Chips To Emulate 1 Billion Neuron Brain. New Scientist (5/4, Marks) reported that Steve Furber, a computer engineer at the University of Manchester, is planning a "1-billion-neuron silicon brain" made from low-cost microchips. Furber argues "that if we want to use computers with even a fraction of a brain's flexibility, we need to start with affordable, practical, low-powe..

농업에도 혁신을 추구하는 기업가 정신이 필요[네델란드 총리]

2010년 4월 27일 기차 여행중에 우연히 매일경제신문의 1면 기사를 읽게되었다. 기사 내용은 네델란드 총리의 서면 인터뷰 기사로 다음과 같다. "농업에도 혁신을 추구하는 기업가 정신이 필요하다. 네델란드는 기업가적 농민이 있었기 때문에 농업 강국이 되었다" 새만금 사업 협력 등을 논의하기 위해 ..

New Bluetooth Technology Expected To Reduce Power Consumption.

New Bluetooth Technology Expected To Reduce Power Consumption. The AP (4/20) reports, "A new version of the Bluetooth wireless technology could expand what can be done by watches, toys, home sensors, medical monitors and other devices that typically have been limited in their functions because they don't get their batteries changed or charged very often." A low-energy version of Bluetooth was o..

첫 학기 과제물 2개를 마치고 출석시험 점수도 확인했답니다.

2010년 4월 19일 새벽까지 첫 학기 과제물 두 개를 성공적으로 온라인으로 제출하였다. '동서양의 고전' 과목은 학번에 따라 정해진 고전을 읽고 40쪽 분량의 범위를 잡아 발췌요약본 5쪽을 작성하고 독후감 1 쪽을 쓰는 과제물이었다. 나는 '원효의 금강삼매경론'을 선정하였다. 어려운 불교 용어들을 이..

Farmers Sue Bayer CropScience Over Genetically Modified Rice.

Farmers Sue Bayer CropScience Over Genetically Modified Rice. The AP (3/29) reports on a type of genetically altered rice called Liberty Link, which was developed by Belgian researchers to "withstand a popular herbicide that kills weeds in the fields," and eventually came to be owned by Bayer CropScience. Now, "lawyers for Bayer CropScience are in an Arkansas courtroom, fighting the latest of s..

Air Force's Top Scientist Focused On Scramjets, Lasers.

Air Force's Top Scientist Focused On Scramjets, Lasers. The Los Angeles Times (3/26, Barnes) reports on Werner J.A. Dahm, "the chief scientist for the Air Force," whose "job is to separate promising ideas from the stuff of 'Star Trek.' He advises generals in an era of tightening research and development budgets which scientific innovations are worth pursuing -- or not." Among the new technologi..