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배움의 기쁨 609

New Bluetooth Technology Expected To Reduce Power Consumption.

New Bluetooth Technology Expected To Reduce Power Consumption. The AP (4/20) reports, "A new version of the Bluetooth wireless technology could expand what can be done by watches, toys, home sensors, medical monitors and other devices that typically have been limited in their functions because they don't get their batteries changed or charged very often." A low-energy version of Bluetooth was o..

첫 학기 과제물 2개를 마치고 출석시험 점수도 확인했답니다.

2010년 4월 19일 새벽까지 첫 학기 과제물 두 개를 성공적으로 온라인으로 제출하였다. '동서양의 고전' 과목은 학번에 따라 정해진 고전을 읽고 40쪽 분량의 범위를 잡아 발췌요약본 5쪽을 작성하고 독후감 1 쪽을 쓰는 과제물이었다. 나는 '원효의 금강삼매경론'을 선정하였다. 어려운 불교 용어들을 이..

Farmers Sue Bayer CropScience Over Genetically Modified Rice.

Farmers Sue Bayer CropScience Over Genetically Modified Rice. The AP (3/29) reports on a type of genetically altered rice called Liberty Link, which was developed by Belgian researchers to "withstand a popular herbicide that kills weeds in the fields," and eventually came to be owned by Bayer CropScience. Now, "lawyers for Bayer CropScience are in an Arkansas courtroom, fighting the latest of s..

Air Force's Top Scientist Focused On Scramjets, Lasers.

Air Force's Top Scientist Focused On Scramjets, Lasers. The Los Angeles Times (3/26, Barnes) reports on Werner J.A. Dahm, "the chief scientist for the Air Force," whose "job is to separate promising ideas from the stuff of 'Star Trek.' He advises generals in an era of tightening research and development budgets which scientific innovations are worth pursuing -- or not." Among the new technologi..

Spider Silk Research Could Lead To Stronger, More Flexible Materials.

Spider Silk Research Could Lead To Stronger, More Flexible Materials. The Daily Telegraph (UK) (3/15, Alleyne) reports, "Researchers found that spider silk employs a unique crystal structure that converts an otherwise weak material into one stronger and less brittle than steel or ceramics. They believe in future it may be possible to copy spider ingenuity to create new classes of materials that..

South Korea Plans To Launch "National App Store" With Public Data.

South Korea Plans To Launch "National App Store" With Public Data. Popular Science (3/1, Hsu) reports that "the South Korean government hopes to launch its own "national app store" in the form of a universal API for public data, which would encourage private companies and developers to create and sell apps based on that data," according to a Korea Times report. However, "South Korean officials ..

Researchers To Test Method For Vaccine Production Using Tobacco Plants

Researchers To Test Method For Vaccine Production Using Tobacco Plants. The Wired (2/24, Drummond) "Danger Room" blog reports that "a team at Texas A&M may have come up with a way to turn tobacco plants into vaccine-making machines." The Texas Plant-Expressed Vaccine Consortium is receiving $40 million from DARPA to "test the tobacco-based method and then offer up 10 million doses of H1N1 vacci..

DARPA Plans Test Flight For Prototype Hypersonic Weapon

DARPA Plans Test Flight For Prototype Hypersonic Weapon. The Wired (2/22, Hodge) "Danger Room" blog reports that DARPA "is planning an April test flight for a prototype of a hypersonic weapon that - in theory - could cross the Pacific Ocean in under two hours." An unpowered version of the Hypersonic Technology Vehicle-2 (HTV-2) "will be launched on a booster rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Bas..

Remote-Controlled Roaches Could Be Used To Detect Radiation

Remote-Controlled Roaches Could Be Used To Detect Radiation. The Wired (2/17, Drummond) "Danger Room" blog reports, "A team of nuclear engineers at Texas A&M's Nuclear Science and Policy Institute attached radioactivity sensors to the backs of cockroaches, meant to scope out different kinds of nuclear material. The cockroaches are remote-controlled, so officials could unleash them into potentia..

Michigan State University To Establish Bio-Digital Evolution Center

Michigan State University To Establish Bio-Digital Evolution Center. The AP (2/18, Goodman) reports, "The National Science Foundation has awarded $25 million to Michigan State University to create a center for the joint study of natural and digital evolution." According to Erik Goodman, the director of Bio/computational Evolution in Action Consortium, or BEACON, "the center will conduct basic a..

More Wind Tunnel Tests Planned For Ducted-Fan Propulsion System.

More Wind Tunnel Tests Planned For Ducted-Fan Propulsion System. Aviation Week (2/11, Warwick) reported, "American Dynamics Flight Systems will wind tunnel test the ducted-fan propulsion system for its proposed AD-150 vertical-takeoff-and-landing unmanned aircraft with support from the University of Maryland (UMD)." A scale version of the High Torque Aerial Lift (HTAL) was wind tunnel tested at ..