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배움의 기쁨 609

E. coli Bacteria Engineered To Produce Diesel From Biomass.

E. coli Bacteria Engineered To Produce Diesel From Biomass. AFP (1/28) reports, "Gene scientists have coaxed bacteria into eating agricultural waste and secreting diesel, offering a potentially cheaper, greener energy source than present-day biofuels," according to the results of a recent study published in the journal Nature. The researchers created "a genetically-engineered version" of Escher..

Samsung Licenses University Of Illinois Manufacturing Technology

Samsung Licenses University Of Illinois Manufacturing Technology. The AP (1/29) reports, "Samsung Electronics has signed a deal to license technology developed more than a decade ago by a University of Illinois professor that extends the life of silicon chips." The technology, which was developed by professor Joseph Lyding 14 years ago, "allows chip makers to substitute deuterium for hydrogen i..

Prototype Magnetometer Could Improve Diagnosis Of Cardiac Conditions.

Prototype Magnetometer Could Improve Diagnosis Of Cardiac Conditions. CNET News (1/29, Moore) reports on a prototype magnetometer "being developed at the University of Leeds [that] could greatly improve the diagnosis of cardiac conditions." The device "can detect tiny magnetic variations, revealing the presence of cardiac conditions," and the researchers are currently working to develop a minia..

Dual-Degree Engineering Programs Praised For Flexibility.

Dual-Degree Engineering Programs Praised For Flexibility. In an article for The Record (NJ) (1/29,), independent college counselor Audrey Kahane writes about combined 3-2 dual-degree programs for students who are interested in studying engineering as well as another discipline. Students begin their studies as normal, and after three years transfer "to an engineering school for two additional ye..

Toyota Developing Night Vision System Based On Insects.

Toyota Developing Night Vision System Based On Insects. Popular Science (1/14, Hsu) reports that engineers at Toyota have developed a night vision system using a "new digital image-processing algorithm" that "takes inspiration from nocturnal dung beetles, bees and moths that can see across a remarkable range of color, brightness and shadow." The system, which requires only "a standard digital c..

Google's Nexus One Seen As Boosting Competition In Smartphone Market.

Google's Nexus One Seen As Boosting Competition In Smartphone Market. The New York Times (1/6, B8, Helft) reports Google introduced Tuesday "a new touch-screen handset called Nexus One that is widely seen as a rival to Apple's iPhone," stepping "up its attack on the smartphone market." Google "said that it would sell the Nexus One, which it called a superphone, exclusively through a new online ..

Northrop Grumman To Move Headquarters From Los Angeles To DC Area.

Northrop Grumman To Move Headquarters From Los Angeles To DC Area. The Washington Post (1/5, A1, Hedgpeth, Heath) reports, "Giant defense contractor Northrop Grumman said Monday that it plans to move its corporate headquarters from Los Angeles to the Washington area by 2011." The Post adds, "Defense industry experts say Northrop's move is a sign that contractors are fearing shrinking budgets fr..

Cloud Computing Said To Offer Businesses A Pay For Use Model.

Cloud Computing Said To Offer Businesses A Pay For Use Model. The Worcester Business Journal (1/4, Butler) reports on cloud computing, which "business and IT executives" are said to believe is "the wave of the future," citing "a recent study by Framingham-based GlassHouse Technologies [that] found that 60 percent of IT executives plan to implement cloud technologies in the next year." Of course..

Robotic Fish Could Help Monitor Water Conditions, Pollutants.

Robotic Fish Could Help Monitor Water Conditions, Pollutants. The Lansing (MI) State Journal (12/26, Bansil) reported on NEMO (Navigating EAP-Controlled Module with Onboard Resources), a robotic fish developed by Michigan State University researchers "to monitor water temperature, oxygen levels, invasive populations and pollutants." The device could help give researchers a more "accurate pictur..

Nanoparticle Developed To Locate, Destroy Cancer Cells.

Nanoparticle Developed To Locate, Destroy Cancer Cells. Popular Science (12/15, Dillow) reports, "Researchers at Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine" have been developing "a single nanoparticle that can seek out cancer cells, tag them with fluorescent dye, and kill them, all while physicians look on via real-time MRI tracking." The treatment combines several factors, using nanoshells..

Naval Research Lab Says Hydrogen-Powered UAV Flew For Over 26 Hours.

Naval Research Lab Says Hydrogen-Powered UAV Flew For Over 26 Hours. Cleantech (12/1, Sibley) reports that, according to the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, "an unmanned air vehicle (UAV)" named Ion Tiger, "which runs on hydrogen-powered fuel cells, recently set an unofficial flight endurance record-taking to the sky for 26 hours and one minute." The vehicle has "the ability to carry a four- to..

Los Alamos National Laboratory Fined Nearly $1 Million By New Mexic

Los Alamos National Laboratory Fined Nearly $1 Million By New Mexico. The AP (11/24) reports that the New Mexico Environment Department announced Monday it "has fined Los Alamos National Laboratory nearly $1 million for failing to monitor nearby groundwater and surface water for pollution." The state's Environment Secretary Ron Curry says that "reliable monitoring is needed to determine whether..