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배움의 기쁨 610

Chinese Engineers Considering "Super-Powerful New Engine" For Rockets.

Chinese Engineers Considering "Super-Powerful New Engine" For Rockets. BBC News (7/26, Zak) reported, "Chinese engineers are considering a new super-powerful engine for the next generation of space rockets, say officials." The engines of the proposed engine being studied by the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) would have five times the thrust of the engines for the Long March 5..

Swiss Researcher Wins Prize For Photosynthesis-Based Solar Cells.

Swiss Researcher Wins Prize For Photosynthesis-Based Solar Cells. The AP (6/10, Huuhtanen) reports, "Swiss scientist Michael Graetzel won the 2010 Millennium Technology Prize on Wednesday for helping to develop cheap solar cells for renewable energy projects." Graetzel, a professor at Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne "was awarded the euro800,000 ($960,000) prize by the Technology Academy of Finl..

Navy's Laser Weapon System Shoots Down Drone Over Sea.

Navy's Laser Weapon System Shoots Down Drone Over Sea. The Wired (5/28, Hodge) "Danger Room" blog reported, "For years, the US Navy has been pursuing a workable ray gun that could provide a leap ahead in ship self-defenses. Now, with a series of tests of a system called the Laser Weapon System, or LaWS, it may be one step closer to that goal." Naval Sea Systems Command announced that the LaWS h..